Friday, 14 June 2013

So, what is the best way to deal with infertility? Counselors tell you that if there is a treatment one should go for it. Otherwise, a visit to a professional counselor or a family therapist can help.

What kind of pressures does infertility put on a marriage? “It can bring a lot of negativity in relationship. The blame –game starts, agitation and irritation between the partners becomes frequent .There is a disconnection in terms of physical, mental and emotional intimacy. Low self-confidence of the infertile person also hampers the relationship. Family expectation adds it to all. Self-pity, suicidal tendencies and depression are common,” Dr Nishu Shukla, a marriage counselor with The Counselling Institute, says.

Women, however, are better equipped to deal with the situation.” they are more sensitive and have a better understanding of the pain and agony. Acceptance is higher in women. They seldom break a marriage due to an infertile husband,” Dr Nishu explains.